The identity and branding of a perfume bottle is not limited to the bottle itself or the scent it contains. In fact, for most users and customers, the first interaction they have with the perfume is through the packaging.
How it looks, how it feels, how you open the package to reveal its contents. This is important.
The month long project revolves around redesigning the packaging of The Body Shop's 'Coconut & Yuzu Body Mist'.
These concepts fed into the project, and are the key words that define it. The package intends to enhance a sustainable alternative towards the mass production of packaging, by combining the technique of weaving and illustrative design in order to connect to The Body Shop's established brand identity as a sustainable, vegan, cruelty free company.
In terms of materiality, kraft cardboard scraps were used for the weaving of the structure of the package, tying in to the natural essence of the product, and taking advantage of the flexibility this technique provides.
This created very rich and organic shapes that fit perfectly with the concept of a natural seeming package. It intends to showcase said craftsmanship through a technical structure, allowing a play between mass production and the reuse of disposable and yet degradable material.
Additionally, keeping in mind that this specific perfume forms part of a larger collection of Body Mist scents, the project acknowledges this and leaves room to grow with this packaging redesign. The design of the cardboard wrapping would remain the same, however the textured labels that accompany the perfume would change depending on the scent, showing its ingredients in a visual manner.